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For All FIRST Robotics Teams:

To use AZ FIRST Machine Shop, the mentors and students from a team that are going to use the machine shop need to be checked out through the Si Se Puede Foundation STEM Center Shop Manager. Once cleared by the SSPF Shop manager, and each participant has filled out an SSPF consent/waiver, then up to two mentors and up to two students can reserve a time slot to come to the SSPF STEM Center to use the AZ FIRST Machine Shop. To get checked out contact Fredi Lajvardi at You can download the consent/waivers that need to be signed and brought to the check out session. Checkout session date and time will be communicated through email. 

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To reserve a time slot to work, fill out form through link above. Time slots will vary based on SSPF Staff availability so check frequently below. The AZ FIRST Machine Shop has the following pieces of equipment: disk sander, drill press, a manual mill, a lathe, a band saw and a press. You will be contacted via email to confirm your reservation, first come first serve. You can see available slots on the AZ FIRST Machine Shop calendar below. We can only let you reserve one time slot at a time to ensure equity among teams. Thanks! 

Current available slots: M-F 6:00 pm to 8:30 pm and Saturday from 12:00 noon to 4:00 pm

Albert L Esparza

© 2023 Si Se Puede Foundation

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Si Se Puede Foundation is a prevention and advocacy organization that encourages its participants to be stakeholders in their community. The organization’s three main service components include educational programming, community activities & advocacy, and recreational activities for youth. The organization focuses on school and community risk factors that are barriers to educational achievement including, delinquency, gang affiliation, and family/school/community detachment. ​

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