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For all FIRST Robotics Teams:

To use the CNC router, you must fill out the reservation form and receive confirmation of your reservation date and time. An SSPF staff member will be present when you use the machine. You are responsible for bringing in your own raw material and in some cases tooling. Once the reservation is confirmed, then up to two mentors and two students can use the CNC router. All parties attending the STEM Center must download, sign and submit consent waiver

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You will be contacted via email to confirm your reservation, first come first serve. You can see available slots on the SSPF CNC Router calendar below. We can only let you reserve one time slot at a time to ensure equity among teams. Thanks! 

Albert L Esparza

© 2023 Si Se Puede Foundation

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Si Se Puede Foundation is a prevention and advocacy organization that encourages its participants to be stakeholders in their community. The organization’s three main service components include educational programming, community activities & advocacy, and recreational activities for youth. The organization focuses on school and community risk factors that are barriers to educational achievement including, delinquency, gang affiliation, and family/school/community detachment. ​

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